I love being a Mom. I've always wanted to be a Mom and one of my main goals in life was to have kids. I have a wonderful 15 year old son and a wonderful 8 year old daughter. My kids are my life and I pray that my husband & I do a great job raising them. Don't get the title wrong, I absolutely know I have kids. They're with me all the time and they're especially in my heart.
This week I've been noticing even more that I am absolutely truly blessed with kids. And anyone who knows me or is around me, knows how blessed I am.
So I found that my kids had written their names all over my Grand Caravan in the dust left from our long road...this isn't the first time and wont be the last. People at church seem to get a kick out of "reading" my van each week. They [the boys] usually have "Redneck Transportation" written on the back, with all their derby car numbers. Today, I found cooked oatmeal in my purse at the bank...imagine the look on the bank tellers face when I pulled my hand out of my purse with a glop of apple cinnamon oatmeal. Oh yummy, NOT! I was taking a shower the other day and my 6 year old niece and my daughter used almost 5 lbs of sugar to make a "surprise". We are well familiar with the emergency room that my son, his friends and my daughter have particular seats in the waiting area they always sit in. My son and his friends like demolition derby cars and lawn mower derbies. So if I leave them at the house by themselves for a short time, my rule list consist of....no guns, no shooting guns, no fires, no blowing up stuff and of course no girls. So far, so good. My daughter whose bedtime on school nights is 8:30 P.M. always decides at 10 P.M. that she wants to do her hair, play with Lincoln Logs or go outside to play with the cats. And let's not forget about the bicycle that's parked right along the drive way where Mom can back over it. Uggghhhh.
So, yes, I am very blessed. My kids are polite, Christians, attend and participate in church activities faithfully, they're good friends and I can't say they're "typical" kids, but they're my kids. And God blessed me when they arrived. Praise God for all things!!