I hurt my back real bad Tuesday night. That's why I haven't been online much. I'm still in pain, a lot of pain in fact. But I can actually sit down now. The past few days, I had the choices of sit or lay. Nothing in between. So while I was in tears feeling sorry for myself. Yes, I know....we're not supposed to do that. I got to thinking about all these other people that have cancer and other things that some still don't have a cure for.
A teacher at my daughters school found out she has Breast Cancer, her old bus driver has it also. I found out my cousin who is 6 years younger than me, has Colon Cancer. And countless people at our church has cancer and other illnesses. So I quickly quit feeling sorry for myself. My back injury will heal, might take a while. But the treatments that these others has to go through is far worse than what I'm going through.
I was told once by a person dear to me, that if I don't slow down, God will take steps to slow me down. Soon after that was said...I got a really bad case of the stomach flu. This time...I hurt my back. I slowed down on my feet, but my brain didn't slow down. My point is; while you're sick or whatever, think about the other people with far worse problems. That need your prayers, smiles, notes of "I'm thinking of you" and your help. Maybe take them a meal, send them a note, call them or whatever. Because like my Pastor said "if your focusing on others and their problems, you don't have time to focus on yourself and feel sorry for yourself."