Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm A Bad Mean Mom

I'm a bad mean I'm told by my dear sweet kids. Yeah, I'm mean alright. Just like my Mom was mean. And still is. When my Mom reads this, she won't go into shock or horror about me saying that because she knows exactly how mean she is.

I'm a bad mean Mom because I make sure I know where my kids are 24/7. I'm mean because I make my kids wear their seat belts at all times when they're in a moving vehicle. I'm mean because any friends my kids have...I have to meet them, I need their parents names, their address, their phone number and cell number. I'm mean because my kids aren't allowed to sit on the computer all day or play on those game systems. They're allowed 1 hour a day on the computer and we don't own any of those TV game systems. Just to be honest my daughter does have a DS, but that's it. And we limit her time on that and yes you guessed it, I'm mean because of that too. I'm mean because they have to stay active from sun up till bed time. Except for when they're sick. No sitting around watching T.V.

I'm a mean Mom because their rooms are to be kept clean at all times, their bathroom must be kept clean. I'm mean because they're in charge of fixing one supper per week....with my supervision of course. I'm also mean because I make them go to church every week, I make them do youth activities every week. I'm mean because there's no question of whether we go to church....they simply know, we go to church. Just to be fair on this count too, they love going to church now since our new Pastor came. So I'm not as mean as I used to be on that part.

I'm a mean Mom because I'm very involved in my kids lives. I talk to them each day and see what's going on in their lives. I talk to them about everything and they're welcome to ask questions. I'm very mean because I'm too nosey. And I'm mean because in all their activities, I'm right there cheering them on or supporting them. I'm a mean Mom because if my kids are late for curfew, for every 15 minutes they're late. They have to be home 30 minutes early the next time. I'm really mean for that one.

I'm also mean because we sit at the table for our meals as a family. Some of my sons friends families don't do that, so I'm mean because that's embarrassing. I'm really mean because I make my kids eat healthy meals and I make them try every food at least once. Except for liver, my Mom didn't make us try that either. I'm mean because I want both my kids to know how to cook and to wash clothes so when they grow up and move out on their own, they're capable of doing that.

I'm really mean because when I ask my son who he's talking to on the phone and/or texting...I want an honest answer. I'm mean because my kids know I will call whoever to verify if they're telling the truth, if I feel the need to. I'm really mean because I don't take any crap from anyone when it comes to my kids. I'm mean because sometimes that embarrasses them. I'm mean because I love them too much and I'm too I'm told. Yeah, my Mom was real mean that way too.

So I'm mean, but my kids know I love them and one day....they'll be mean parents too, just as my parents were mean. Love you Mom and Dad!


Sally said...

Hey, keep bein' mean! I'm sure your kids with thank you some day, just as you (I'm sure) have thanked your parents. Right now, my kids love me to death. I'm trying to brace myself for the "mean mom" years when they'll hate me and want me out of their lives. will hurt!

farmerswifederbymom said...

Oh it will hurt...ALOT. But my Mom tried to prepare me for it. It doesn't always help, but it's expected. lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm mean, too.

farmerswifederbymom said...

My son was late last night getting home, so of course he'll have to be home earlier next weekend. Well of course "I'm mean" again. LOL, but I told him I couldn't wait till he had kids. LOL. Than I told my husband, I feel sorry for my parents...all the torture we put them through. :o