Saturday, July 12, 2008

Drive-in Movies

My son, cousin and their friends went to the Valley Mall free movie drive-in this evening. And it brought back cherished memories. My parents used to take us all the time. I used to love it. And then when my son was little, we used to take him back to West Virginia because as far as I know that was the only drive-in movies open close by. But I think that shut down a few years later. Not 100% positive about that.

We used to love taking him too. I love the little food stands that you walked over to, the smell of fresh popcorn and the night air. Everything was wonderful. I dont even think it mattered how good the movie was. It was just fun being there. Seeing your friends and family who were sure to be there too. I wish someone would open one here during the warm months. Tighter security of course. When I was little you just didn't worry about all that. My how times have changed. I'm not even that old, but things have changed dramatically.

Anyway, I hope they enjoy the movie and make more memories.

The Story Tellers

My Granddaddy Rhodes used to sit with us on his front porch and tell us all kinds of stories. Not stories you read out of a book. But stories about his life, his parents, grandparents, etc. When we were growing up, like most kids we wanted to go climb a tree or ride bikes, instead of sitting there listening to old stories...some about people we never met. But most of the time we did listen. I think he thought we weren't listening because under his breath he'd say things like "well, if you're not gonna listen or I guess you don't care to hear about your family." Truth is, I was listening, I just couldn't sit still long enough to listen...I still cant.

I love to hear stories about our family. Honestly about anyone's family. That's one reason why I became a Professional Genealogist. My son says it's because I'm nosey, but I guess it goes with the territory. I want to know everything about everyone, especially about your family. If you meet me, I'm gonna ask you about you and your family clear back as far as you know and where they're from. I want to hear your family story.

Think about this; it's important that at this moment you be the story teller. Just as you parents were, just as your grandparents were and so on. You're kids, nieces, nephews, etc. will act like they're not listening. And some might not be, but most will be listening in their own way. Most will go to school and tell their friends the story, they might even write a report about it. Once you have the stories in their heads, they don't forget them. They'll grow up and tell their kids and grand kids.

This is how your family legacy is kept alive. You don't have to come from a famous family and your family doesn't have to be rich. The stories that keep your family going, are exactly that....stories that kept your family together, that got your family through hard times, memories your family made during good times and bad. It's especially fun for a kid, when they hear about the family member they act like. I tell my niece (brother's little girl) and my kids about my brother growing up, and they hoot, holler and laugh. My son acts exactly like my brother, so he's especially curious with all the stories.

Keeping your stories alive, is keeping your family history alive. Once they are no longer told, your family history disappears. After a few generations...the gap is so wide and the stories no longer can be told.

Be the storyteller in your family.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Parental Forgiveness

So many times other kids hurt your own kids and it seems that the parents have a harder time
forgiving the other kid, than your own kid does. I know I do. I know if other kids hurt my kids, forgiveness and forgetting is a long way off. But how are we to teach our kids forgiveness, when our own hearts don't follow that rule at times? And can a parent truly ever forgive someone that hurt their kids? As a mother, I find it quite hard at times to do this. Like my Mom, I've always been super over protective of my kids. Even now, my brother, sister and I are all grown up and she's still the same way. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. So because of our love and strength for our kids, it's hard.

I found that I do eventually forgive. I just don't trust that kid(s) enough to allow my kids with that person(s). Trust me, I've been tested during last school year. So I did learn...I do forgive, I just don't trust anymore.

So what if my kids hurt someone? And their parents react like I would. How do I deal with that? Well, I pray that those kids will forgive my kids eventually. But I have to remember that their parents will have the same "trust" issues as I do. So I try (key word being try) to remember that they need time too. And I try not to let my anger set in too deep. Eventually, it all works out in God's time.

As parents we need to remember to forgive those who hurt our precious gifts from God. But we also need to be patient with other parents. In our lifetimes, we will be hurt, we'll actually be hurt alot. And we will also hurt others, maybe a lot too.