Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another Chance

Today my Pastor had another wonderful message. We were in Luke 15, the story about the prodigal son. I've always loved this story because no matter how far down in the bottom of the pit we get and let ourselves get. God always says "come back to me, I'm here and I'm waiting." Isn't that awesome? I don't recommend getting that far gone, but in reality it happens. There's times in your life that you sometimes just give up. You're tired of the problems, tired of the pain, tired of everything and you basically stop caring about what happens next. Sometimes it's stuff that you don't have control of and sometimes it's things you do have control of.

In Luke 15, the prodigal son brought this on himself. He went through a process of basically messing up his life. He got selfish, he chose the wrong people to hang around with and it was a down spiral from there. Gosh, that sounds true today, doesn't it? In today's world, a lot of people are all about me, me, me. And I'll be honest, I get like that too. Than God puts a road block in front of me to remind me that it's NOT all about me. And He's had to do that to me more than once. And I'm sure it's the same with you too. I'm not saying we're bad people because we do get like this. But remember we are sinners by nature.

Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom and either choose to stay there or get up. God always allows His children to return to Him. You just have to be willing, you have to take that step and make that commitment. Like my Pastor said "Confession and repentance are necessary to put you back on the right path."

God is always there with open arms. Not to say "omgosh, I cant believe you did that or what on earth were you thinking when you did that? " His mercy and compassion allows us to come back to Him! Praise the Lord always, in everything and all situations!

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