Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm Glad I'm Not A Teenager Again

I'm so glad I'm not a teenager again. The things teenagers go through, I'm so happy I'm married with kids. I'm around teenagers all the time, I have a teenage son and I have a teenage niece. In one week they can go through tears, fights, anger, happiness, big mood swings and than start back over again. Whoohooo, I'm so glad I'm not a teenager again. Ummm, did I already say that?

As Youth Director at our church and than various other youth ministries I do at our church, I am constantly confronted with "teenage issues". I have learned that when teen guys get mad at each other, they usually fight it out and become best of friends again the next day. Now the teen ladies, that's a whole other issue. Usually tears and screaming are involved. And then they hold grudges for a long time.

Now I'm not saying I was any different when I was a teen, because I'm sure if you ask my parents....they'll have that same dazed look that I have on my face all the time now. And as much as I shake my head in confusion, I'm surprised I haven't knocked a few important brain cells loose up there. God bless my parents for tolerating us. And by God's Grace they "survived" our teen years.

My advice to parents; just keep smiling and look as though you actually understand what your teen is talking about. And just remember the teen years don't last forever. ((we hope and pray))

My advice to teens; please enjoy these years, they'll go by too fast. Than you'll join the "real world." Your parents may be confused during the entire duration of your teen years, but we still love you!!

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