Thursday, March 11, 2010

All At Once or Individually

In my lifetime, I've noticed that if you're going through something bad or having a real trying time. Usually, you're not the only one. When I was little, I had in my head. That bad or sad things only happened to one person at a time, so God could help one person at a time. Yes, I know...I was an interesting kid. I was raised to know that God helped everyone and was there for everyone at all times, any time and all at one time. I was raised in a Christian home. And I knew these things. Why did I have that in my head? Well, for one my brain never stops working. I'm always thinking, doing, thinking and doing. If something is making sense, I'll change it so I can figure it out. Or if something doesn't make sense, I'll try hard to figure it out.

Back to my point. I figured that if we all had trials, bad or sad times at different times. Then we could help each other through it. We could focus on that one friend or family member. Get them through this ordeal and then wait for the next person to take care of. Of course....doesn't that make sense?

Yeah, there's a few problems with my theory. First, God is an Almighty God. We serve Him and do things to glorify Him. And He has such amazing and awesome powers. That we can never fully understand how awesome He is. We're not meant to understand or "figure" God out. If we were that close to understanding Him or figuring Him out. We would be Him. And you know that will never happen, nor do we want that to happen. But He has such amazing powers that He can help everyone at the same time. And we need to lean on Him in good and bad times. We need to know that He is there, no matter what.

I've always taught my kids and my teens at church.That God does allow bad things to happen. Alot of people blame Satan for all bad things. But God does allow bad things to happen. Why? Think back in a time in your life when something bad happened, you got bad news, you got really sick, you lost your job or a loved one. What is something you most likely did first? You prayed! You prayed for God to heal you, you prayed for God to make things better. We've all done it. I sure have! When Sept 11th, 2001 happened, people were angry and sad. They wanted to know why this happened? Why wasn't God there for them? Guess what people? He was there! Yes, I said read it correctly. After 9/11, church attendance rose and American Flags went up. A country based on Christianity and people finally needed God again. We wanted God in our lives after that, we wanted Him to love us, guide us and make us understand what happened. But most important we became closer to Him. We were thanking God for keeping our loved ones safe, thanking God that we had soldiers willing to lay their lives on the line for us. Thanking God that we still had our freedoms as an American citizen. Because we were scared, because we did loose loved ones and because someone tried to kill the American spirit. We became closer to Him.

He does and will take care of all of us at one time, individually and on His terms and time. But when we're going through hard times or sad times together and someone else is going through hard times or sad times. We become a stronger unit. We take the knowledge and strength God gives us and we help each other through it. Most important, we depend on Him even more. He wants us to depend on Him, He wants us to come closer to Him. And if He has to allow something traumatic to happen. Then He will.

We all have different names, different looks, different temperaments and different problems. But God is our link and God will bring us together and will always bring us closer to Him. He'll do it all at once or individually.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Angel, this is Shelby...your old coupon buddy. Email me at It is so weird I was just thinking about you yesterday. I was going through some old paperwork and I found an envelope from you and I wondered about you. Isn't that crazy! Anyway email me!! :)