I put myself in their position. I try to see what it was like being in that situation, at that time, at that moment and with the circumstances they were dealing with. You know what happen to them, you know the outcome. But it's still hard to let go and to not put yourself in their shoes. You want to be able to feel how they felt, to see what they saw and to ask them questions.
I remember sitting by their side, thinking what went wrong? What happen so bad, that the outcome resulted in this? But than others, I sat by their side thinking wow what a great life you had. How did you manage to pack so much into a lifetime? I wish I could have had more time with you or I wish I could have met you in person. I was told stories by family members of the type of person you were, the funny things you said and did as a child and as you grew up. I remember praying that some part of you was still in me. Some trait that would definitely define who I am today.
My career is to research family history. It's not only my career, but it's also deep in my heart. I close my eyes and imagine being with you at that moment in time. I grieve with you, when you lost your loved one in the Civil War. I remember tears quickly filled my eyes when I imagined you crying when they told you your son was killed in a war. I pictured you holding the American Flag so tight to your chest. I grieved with you when you lost your loved one in the fire. I felt your joy when your wife gave you a new baby boy or baby girl. I felt your pain when your wife died during labor. I felt your uneasiness while traveling from Virginia to Kentucky in the early 1800's. I felt how scary and sad it was to leave your family behind and to move on with your husband and children.
I remember tears flowing down my cheeks when you couldn't travel back home to attend your parents funeral. I feel the pain you felt during different trials in your life, I remember wishing I could have been there to comfort you.
I wonder if you were here today if you would think I look like you, I wonder if you would be proud of me? I wonder if you would say "wow, I used to do the same thing."
I research and my heart sinks in to every aspect of your life. Whether you're a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, I still wonder about you and the life you lived. Sometimes it breaks my heart when I try to be apart of your life and I know the torture you went through. Or the tragic death you had or the tragic death of a loved one that you had to witness, or grieve for. When I sit by your headstone at the cemetery, I want you to know that although I may have never met you or you left my life too soon, my heart is still apart of you. I carry the same pain, the same happiness, the same moments you carried. That's why I continue to research about your life. So I can share it with others. So they too, can take a walk through a history that they may or may not have been a part of. So they can share the heart of a family member that shaped and formed the path that their lives have taken. Did a choice you made in the past, affect our family history? Did it affect the choices we make?
You're in my heart and always a part of who I am today!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
As ya'll know I work with the teens at our church. Each morning, I'll take their prayer requests and their praise reports, than we'll start our lesson. I absolutely love working with the Teens because there's never a dull moment and I learn so much from them. When telling us what their prayer requests are, they're very open and honest with us. And in the years I've been doing this, you would be amazed at the very open and honest prayer requests we get.
These Teens take their prayer request, share with them with us and they give them to God. You listen to the prayer request and if you're a stranger to these Teens you might say "well, good grief that ain't no prayer request, there's nothing to it." But my Teens have learned that no matter what the prayer request, no matter how big or small. They know that God does hear their requests and in His will, will take care of them.
The Teens have also learned that it doesn't have to be about health issues, prayers for others all the time. They learned that it can be about events happening in their lives, things in school (grades, problems w/ classmates, teachers), things at home or just things. They know that whatever is in their heart that they feel the need for prayers for, they can come to God with the requests.
The prayer requests are different for guys and ladies. I found that alot of the time, the ladies will request prayers for sport events and health. Like several of the Teen ladies are participating in track and soccer. Their requests are usually to do good in their games/meets. One of the ladies requested that she get her resume done so she can find a job for this summer, she'll start college in the Fall. The Teen guys usually have requests for vehicles. Like one requested that his truck pass inspection this week, the other's requested that their derby cars get done in time for the derby this weekend.
To us these may be small and unusual requests. But to these teenagers, this is what's in their lives right now. That's what they need help with most. You have to understand...these teenagers are putting their full faith in God, they're taking every part of their lives and trusting that God will be there and God will have His will in their lives. They're not expecting God to zap a magical wand down and say your wish is granted. They know, it's God's will, not theirs.
What I've learned from them is God doesn't judge our prayers. He listens and has His will for them. I used to only pray about "important" things. Now I pray for about the tiniest things and huge things. They're belief and faith in prayer is so incredible to me. They know that their God is an Awesome God. They know that He is there for them 24/7. Whether it's a prayer about their family, friends, car, truck, homework, track meet, health needs or a date. They know He's there listening and guiding them. What an incredible testimony all these teens have.
Alot of people don't give teens enough credit. What more could you want? A teen with a big heart and the faith to match! I have such a big heart for teens and their willingness to put all their hopes, dreams, faults and everything about them on the line just to show God how much they love and trust Him. That is incredible in itself.
These Teens take their prayer request, share with them with us and they give them to God. You listen to the prayer request and if you're a stranger to these Teens you might say "well, good grief that ain't no prayer request, there's nothing to it." But my Teens have learned that no matter what the prayer request, no matter how big or small. They know that God does hear their requests and in His will, will take care of them.
The Teens have also learned that it doesn't have to be about health issues, prayers for others all the time. They learned that it can be about events happening in their lives, things in school (grades, problems w/ classmates, teachers), things at home or just things. They know that whatever is in their heart that they feel the need for prayers for, they can come to God with the requests.
The prayer requests are different for guys and ladies. I found that alot of the time, the ladies will request prayers for sport events and health. Like several of the Teen ladies are participating in track and soccer. Their requests are usually to do good in their games/meets. One of the ladies requested that she get her resume done so she can find a job for this summer, she'll start college in the Fall. The Teen guys usually have requests for vehicles. Like one requested that his truck pass inspection this week, the other's requested that their derby cars get done in time for the derby this weekend.
To us these may be small and unusual requests. But to these teenagers, this is what's in their lives right now. That's what they need help with most. You have to understand...these teenagers are putting their full faith in God, they're taking every part of their lives and trusting that God will be there and God will have His will in their lives. They're not expecting God to zap a magical wand down and say your wish is granted. They know, it's God's will, not theirs.
What I've learned from them is God doesn't judge our prayers. He listens and has His will for them. I used to only pray about "important" things. Now I pray for about the tiniest things and huge things. They're belief and faith in prayer is so incredible to me. They know that their God is an Awesome God. They know that He is there for them 24/7. Whether it's a prayer about their family, friends, car, truck, homework, track meet, health needs or a date. They know He's there listening and guiding them. What an incredible testimony all these teens have.
Alot of people don't give teens enough credit. What more could you want? A teen with a big heart and the faith to match! I have such a big heart for teens and their willingness to put all their hopes, dreams, faults and everything about them on the line just to show God how much they love and trust Him. That is incredible in itself.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Psalm 118:24, 28
Today, well actually these past two weeks have been a few weeks that I'd like to forget. You know that kind of day or week when you just want to run in your bathroom, lock the door, sit in the tub and cry. I haven't done that yet, but I sure want to. Since I'm always on the go....my "crying place" is my van. It seems in every one's life when it rains, it pours. And if you ask anyone in this area...it sure ain't the rain that's pouring.
There's too much sickness to deal with, there's money issues to deal with, there's irate family members to deal with and kids just doing odd things. I must say my kids are pushing every button I have and I don't have many left to push. My daughter and I pick on each other all the time because she never stops talking and I never stop singing. When I'm doing stuff....I sing constantly. And she likes to come up to me and pretend like she's pushing a button on my arm. She calls it the "off button". I jokingly tell her I don't have an off button. Sometimes I wish life had an off button or atleast a "pause" button so you can collect your thoughts.
The past few weeks I've repeatedly (and regretfully) said "I hate this day". I even said it today and I text my husband and told him. All the while having tears running down my face. I've tried the psychological approach of "well others have it much worse, look at the people with cancer, those who just lost loved ones, etc" and that helps a little for a little bit. But selfish me....it all comes back to why I hate this day.
What happens every time I say that? Well, I get a little "nudge" or "feeling" from God. And God tells me "Hey, I made this day, I made everything, you should be happy in this day." Oh yes, He's right, Psalm 118:24 tells us "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it". What more could you want? I know, I know, I'm very selfish when I say that and I would hate to hear my kids say that. Because it is a beautiful day. It can be snow on the ground, thundering & lightning, hotter than a blue blaze or colder than Greenland...but its still a beautiful day and I should be happy in it. Whatever's going wrong in my life in any moment. I should still rejoice and praise God. Psalm 118:28 says "Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee." We have to remember these trials we're going through will only make us stronger (as my Pastor says).
Sometimes I just want to leave and run away from the world. Praising God in hard times isn't the easiest thing to do. You'd rather sit and feel sorry for yourself. But He always, always, always deserves our praises. Everything we do is to glorify God, not ourselves. If we're sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves...then we're putting the glory God deserves, on us. And honestly, do we want to steal God's glory? I sure don't. So for today, I rest my case of how insane my life is right now. Today, I will praise God for all He's done in my life, my families lives and my friends lives. Tomorrow I will wake up refreshed, praising God in a way that He deserves. And I will be glad and rejoice in another day He has given me.
There's too much sickness to deal with, there's money issues to deal with, there's irate family members to deal with and kids just doing odd things. I must say my kids are pushing every button I have and I don't have many left to push. My daughter and I pick on each other all the time because she never stops talking and I never stop singing. When I'm doing stuff....I sing constantly. And she likes to come up to me and pretend like she's pushing a button on my arm. She calls it the "off button". I jokingly tell her I don't have an off button. Sometimes I wish life had an off button or atleast a "pause" button so you can collect your thoughts.
The past few weeks I've repeatedly (and regretfully) said "I hate this day". I even said it today and I text my husband and told him. All the while having tears running down my face. I've tried the psychological approach of "well others have it much worse, look at the people with cancer, those who just lost loved ones, etc" and that helps a little for a little bit. But selfish me....it all comes back to why I hate this day.
What happens every time I say that? Well, I get a little "nudge" or "feeling" from God. And God tells me "Hey, I made this day, I made everything, you should be happy in this day." Oh yes, He's right, Psalm 118:24 tells us "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it". What more could you want? I know, I know, I'm very selfish when I say that and I would hate to hear my kids say that. Because it is a beautiful day. It can be snow on the ground, thundering & lightning, hotter than a blue blaze or colder than Greenland...but its still a beautiful day and I should be happy in it. Whatever's going wrong in my life in any moment. I should still rejoice and praise God. Psalm 118:28 says "Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee." We have to remember these trials we're going through will only make us stronger (as my Pastor says).
Sometimes I just want to leave and run away from the world. Praising God in hard times isn't the easiest thing to do. You'd rather sit and feel sorry for yourself. But He always, always, always deserves our praises. Everything we do is to glorify God, not ourselves. If we're sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves...then we're putting the glory God deserves, on us. And honestly, do we want to steal God's glory? I sure don't. So for today, I rest my case of how insane my life is right now. Today, I will praise God for all He's done in my life, my families lives and my friends lives. Tomorrow I will wake up refreshed, praising God in a way that He deserves. And I will be glad and rejoice in another day He has given me.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Freedom Baptist Church
Spring and Demolition Derbies
As you know from previous posts that our family is deeply involved in Demolition Derbies. And that's just not my immediate family, that's the extended family too and our friends. When Spring rolls around, we start to hear the roar of Demolition Derby Cars. Awww, what a sound! To some it might be a sound that you want to run and put ear plugs in. But to us, it's the first sign of Spring and Summer.
Our first derby of the season is at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds in Harrisonburg, Virginia. April 25th, 2009 at 4:pm. My son, brother, cousins and friends will be in this derby. Mangled Metal Productions is hosting this derby. If you recall last April they hosted one near Winchester, Virginia. This year they are coming down here. So it's still in the Valley just a little closer to us. But they did an extraordinary job and we were very happy with how everything was handled and quickly moved along. So we are very excited and look forward to this derby.
During the 'derby season' you'll always know where to find derby car drivers....faithfully working on their cars. After church, my son heads down to my brothers house to help them work on their cars and work on his own. They have such an adrenalin rush while their working on their cars, once their cars are ready and the biggest deal...before, during and after the derby. You cant get these guys to hold still during this time. It's so fun to watch them. They all have such an incredible passion for this and it's an awesome site to see.
Come join us at the derby in a few weeks!! It's awesome family fun and I guarantee you, you wont regret it!!
**please note, I do not or ever have worked for Mangled Metal Productions**
Our first derby of the season is at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds in Harrisonburg, Virginia. April 25th, 2009 at 4:pm. My son, brother, cousins and friends will be in this derby. Mangled Metal Productions is hosting this derby. If you recall last April they hosted one near Winchester, Virginia. This year they are coming down here. So it's still in the Valley just a little closer to us. But they did an extraordinary job and we were very happy with how everything was handled and quickly moved along. So we are very excited and look forward to this derby.
During the 'derby season' you'll always know where to find derby car drivers....faithfully working on their cars. After church, my son heads down to my brothers house to help them work on their cars and work on his own. They have such an adrenalin rush while their working on their cars, once their cars are ready and the biggest deal...before, during and after the derby. You cant get these guys to hold still during this time. It's so fun to watch them. They all have such an incredible passion for this and it's an awesome site to see.
Come join us at the derby in a few weeks!! It's awesome family fun and I guarantee you, you wont regret it!!
**please note, I do not or ever have worked for Mangled Metal Productions**
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Check This Blog Out
Every once in a while I like to share a site and/or blog that I really like. Here's a new one for you to check out.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Empty Pockets
When you first read the title, you probably think I'm talking about having no money. Which than yes, my pockets are usually empty.
Today I begin washing clothes like I do twice a week, sometimes (usually) more. And I realized even more than I have before that I hate emptying pockets. I've always hated that job and I think I have a phobia about it. Why? Well, read on. Every time I empty pockets I usually find stuff I'd rather not touch or see. I'm sure some of ya'll can relate to this, especially if you're a Mom, Grandma or Aunt. I realize guys wash clothes too. But they don't get grossed out as easily as us.
Yesterday, my husband took our kids fishing. Okay, so I'm thinking you already have a smile on your face in which you're imagining what I found in their pockets. My kids are normal farm country kids. They like running out in the fields chasing cows, catching frogs, turtles, picking up worms on a rainy day and snails. They love mud boggin' and Tide is my hero for all of the above reasons.
I emptied my daughters jeans and coat pockets. Ummmm, snails and worms. Uggghhh! I emptied my sons jeans and coat pockets. Worms, fishing equipment, nuts and bolts. And some how big glops of grease stuffed in his coat pocket. Surprising my husband only had cough drop wrappers. But let's not forget the night before when he came home, like my son, covered in grease and mud. And over the years these are actually "mild" things that I've found. If I'd list everything I've found, I'd run out of room and time.
I love being a Mom and Wife. And I can honestly say it's never a dull moment and my kids keep my imagination running wild. Like, one day I have this very big image that when I empty their pockets out....nothing will be in them. Yes, I know....I have to use my imagination on that.
Share with us some "odd" things you've found in the pockets when washing clothes. I just want "empty pockets."
Today I begin washing clothes like I do twice a week, sometimes (usually) more. And I realized even more than I have before that I hate emptying pockets. I've always hated that job and I think I have a phobia about it. Why? Well, read on. Every time I empty pockets I usually find stuff I'd rather not touch or see. I'm sure some of ya'll can relate to this, especially if you're a Mom, Grandma or Aunt. I realize guys wash clothes too. But they don't get grossed out as easily as us.
Yesterday, my husband took our kids fishing. Okay, so I'm thinking you already have a smile on your face in which you're imagining what I found in their pockets. My kids are normal farm country kids. They like running out in the fields chasing cows, catching frogs, turtles, picking up worms on a rainy day and snails. They love mud boggin' and Tide is my hero for all of the above reasons.
I emptied my daughters jeans and coat pockets. Ummmm, snails and worms. Uggghhh! I emptied my sons jeans and coat pockets. Worms, fishing equipment, nuts and bolts. And some how big glops of grease stuffed in his coat pocket. Surprising my husband only had cough drop wrappers. But let's not forget the night before when he came home, like my son, covered in grease and mud. And over the years these are actually "mild" things that I've found. If I'd list everything I've found, I'd run out of room and time.
I love being a Mom and Wife. And I can honestly say it's never a dull moment and my kids keep my imagination running wild. Like, one day I have this very big image that when I empty their pockets out....nothing will be in them. Yes, I know....I have to use my imagination on that.
Share with us some "odd" things you've found in the pockets when washing clothes. I just want "empty pockets."
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Gitchells Photography
My friend Christa has updated her website for her photography business. Go check it out, it looks great!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fear & Worry
Last night we had a Church Ladies Fellowship meeting at my house and I really enjoyed it. Our Pastor's wife talked to us about worry and fear, yes I have a lot of both. And she made a very direct point that hit home and hit hard. That if we are worrying and we have fears, we're submitting to satan....NOT God as we should be. And when she said that and it hit me, deep down I became panicked because I NEVER want to submit to satan. Intentionally or by accident. Okay, I don't know how I would "accidentally" submit to satan, but you get my point.
I tried to validate and tried to make some of my fears "okay", but it didn't work. Like I have a severe fear of fire. I can deal with fire, but you cant tell that my heart is racing and I could probably have a nervous breakdown when I'm around fire. My reasoning....I've had a lot of family members die in fires. And when I was a baby the furnace at our house blew up and caught the house on fire. My crib/room was right beside it. I have a fear of dieing and leaving my kids too soon. My reasoning...my Dad's parents were both killed when he was young. And I've seen how hard it was for him to deal with that.
After everyone left, I prayed, did my devotion, read my Bible and I couldn't come up with any reasonable explanation to hold onto those fears. Of course I'm still afraid of fire just because it's dangerous, but I'm trying and praying alot to let go of the reason I have for fear of fire.
As a human with sin nature, like we all are. I honestly will never completely stop worrying. I'm a Mom, Daughter, Aunt, Cousin, Friend, etc. so it's natural for me to worry. But when I do start worrying or fearing something, I have to remember to always, always, always, give it to God. And you know, after you do that you feel a whole lot better because you don't have that heavy weight of burden weighing you down.
I hope my Pastor's wife doesn't mind but here's some verses (along with the short notes I took) to help you with worry and fear, that she shared with us last night. I've seen them all before but it's a good reminder and pick me up.
Ephesians 5:21, 22....submit
James 4:7...if you have worry or fear, you're submitting to satan instead of God.
-resist fear and worry
I Corinthians 11:3...submit to God, give fears and worries to who they belong to, God.
I John 4:18...God = Love = cast out all our fears
Psalm 23:4...fear no evil
Joshua 1:9...be not afraid, have strength and courage
II Timothy 1:7,8...spirit of fear = satan, not from God. fear is never from God.
Philippians 4:6,7...don't worry about anything, pray about it and give it to God.
Matthew 6:34...don't worry about tomorrow
Philippians 4:13..I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.
Psalm 55:22...cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.
Try to enjoy a worry free day! God bless ya'll!
I tried to validate and tried to make some of my fears "okay", but it didn't work. Like I have a severe fear of fire. I can deal with fire, but you cant tell that my heart is racing and I could probably have a nervous breakdown when I'm around fire. My reasoning....I've had a lot of family members die in fires. And when I was a baby the furnace at our house blew up and caught the house on fire. My crib/room was right beside it. I have a fear of dieing and leaving my kids too soon. My reasoning...my Dad's parents were both killed when he was young. And I've seen how hard it was for him to deal with that.
After everyone left, I prayed, did my devotion, read my Bible and I couldn't come up with any reasonable explanation to hold onto those fears. Of course I'm still afraid of fire just because it's dangerous, but I'm trying and praying alot to let go of the reason I have for fear of fire.
As a human with sin nature, like we all are. I honestly will never completely stop worrying. I'm a Mom, Daughter, Aunt, Cousin, Friend, etc. so it's natural for me to worry. But when I do start worrying or fearing something, I have to remember to always, always, always, give it to God. And you know, after you do that you feel a whole lot better because you don't have that heavy weight of burden weighing you down.
I hope my Pastor's wife doesn't mind but here's some verses (along with the short notes I took) to help you with worry and fear, that she shared with us last night. I've seen them all before but it's a good reminder and pick me up.
Ephesians 5:21, 22....submit
James 4:7...if you have worry or fear, you're submitting to satan instead of God.
-resist fear and worry
I Corinthians 11:3...submit to God, give fears and worries to who they belong to, God.
I John 4:18...God = Love = cast out all our fears
Psalm 23:4...fear no evil
Joshua 1:9...be not afraid, have strength and courage
II Timothy 1:7,8...spirit of fear = satan, not from God. fear is never from God.
Philippians 4:6,7...don't worry about anything, pray about it and give it to God.
Matthew 6:34...don't worry about tomorrow
Philippians 4:13..I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.
Psalm 55:22...cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.
Try to enjoy a worry free day! God bless ya'll!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm A Bad Mean Mom
I'm a bad mean Mom....so I'm told by my dear sweet kids. Yeah, I'm mean alright. Just like my Mom was mean. And still is. When my Mom reads this, she won't go into shock or horror about me saying that because she knows exactly how mean she is.
I'm a bad mean Mom because I make sure I know where my kids are 24/7. I'm mean because I make my kids wear their seat belts at all times when they're in a moving vehicle. I'm mean because any friends my kids have...I have to meet them, I need their parents names, their address, their phone number and cell number. I'm mean because my kids aren't allowed to sit on the computer all day or play on those game systems. They're allowed 1 hour a day on the computer and we don't own any of those TV game systems. Just to be honest my daughter does have a DS, but that's it. And we limit her time on that and yes you guessed it, I'm mean because of that too. I'm mean because they have to stay active from sun up till bed time. Except for when they're sick. No sitting around watching T.V.
I'm a mean Mom because their rooms are to be kept clean at all times, their bathroom must be kept clean. I'm mean because they're in charge of fixing one supper per week....with my supervision of course. I'm also mean because I make them go to church every week, I make them do youth activities every week. I'm mean because there's no question of whether we go to church....they simply know, we go to church. Just to be fair on this count too, they love going to church now since our new Pastor came. So I'm not as mean as I used to be on that part.
I'm a mean Mom because I'm very involved in my kids lives. I talk to them each day and see what's going on in their lives. I talk to them about everything and they're welcome to ask questions. I'm very mean because I'm too nosey. And I'm mean because in all their activities, I'm right there cheering them on or supporting them. I'm a mean Mom because if my kids are late for curfew, for every 15 minutes they're late. They have to be home 30 minutes early the next time. I'm really mean for that one.
I'm also mean because we sit at the table for our meals as a family. Some of my sons friends families don't do that, so I'm mean because that's embarrassing. I'm really mean because I make my kids eat healthy meals and I make them try every food at least once. Except for liver, my Mom didn't make us try that either. I'm mean because I want both my kids to know how to cook and to wash clothes so when they grow up and move out on their own, they're capable of doing that.
I'm really mean because when I ask my son who he's talking to on the phone and/or texting...I want an honest answer. I'm mean because my kids know I will call whoever to verify if they're telling the truth, if I feel the need to. I'm really mean because I don't take any crap from anyone when it comes to my kids. I'm mean because sometimes that embarrasses them. I'm mean because I love them too much and I'm too overprotective....so I'm told. Yeah, my Mom was real mean that way too.
So I'm mean, but my kids know I love them and one day....they'll be mean parents too, just as my parents were mean. Love you Mom and Dad!
I'm a bad mean Mom because I make sure I know where my kids are 24/7. I'm mean because I make my kids wear their seat belts at all times when they're in a moving vehicle. I'm mean because any friends my kids have...I have to meet them, I need their parents names, their address, their phone number and cell number. I'm mean because my kids aren't allowed to sit on the computer all day or play on those game systems. They're allowed 1 hour a day on the computer and we don't own any of those TV game systems. Just to be honest my daughter does have a DS, but that's it. And we limit her time on that and yes you guessed it, I'm mean because of that too. I'm mean because they have to stay active from sun up till bed time. Except for when they're sick. No sitting around watching T.V.
I'm a mean Mom because their rooms are to be kept clean at all times, their bathroom must be kept clean. I'm mean because they're in charge of fixing one supper per week....with my supervision of course. I'm also mean because I make them go to church every week, I make them do youth activities every week. I'm mean because there's no question of whether we go to church....they simply know, we go to church. Just to be fair on this count too, they love going to church now since our new Pastor came. So I'm not as mean as I used to be on that part.
I'm a mean Mom because I'm very involved in my kids lives. I talk to them each day and see what's going on in their lives. I talk to them about everything and they're welcome to ask questions. I'm very mean because I'm too nosey. And I'm mean because in all their activities, I'm right there cheering them on or supporting them. I'm a mean Mom because if my kids are late for curfew, for every 15 minutes they're late. They have to be home 30 minutes early the next time. I'm really mean for that one.
I'm also mean because we sit at the table for our meals as a family. Some of my sons friends families don't do that, so I'm mean because that's embarrassing. I'm really mean because I make my kids eat healthy meals and I make them try every food at least once. Except for liver, my Mom didn't make us try that either. I'm mean because I want both my kids to know how to cook and to wash clothes so when they grow up and move out on their own, they're capable of doing that.
I'm really mean because when I ask my son who he's talking to on the phone and/or texting...I want an honest answer. I'm mean because my kids know I will call whoever to verify if they're telling the truth, if I feel the need to. I'm really mean because I don't take any crap from anyone when it comes to my kids. I'm mean because sometimes that embarrasses them. I'm mean because I love them too much and I'm too overprotective....so I'm told. Yeah, my Mom was real mean that way too.
So I'm mean, but my kids know I love them and one day....they'll be mean parents too, just as my parents were mean. Love you Mom and Dad!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Passion of Young Love
I remember those days. Passion, hormones and insanity. And let's not forget; love. My husband and I have been married forever. And I can't say it's always been an easy road. But we always keep God first and that is the best thing everyone can do in a relationship. I'm not here to give relationship advice, because I am in no position to do that.
My cousin and I were talking today and we decided (again) that we're glad we're not teenagers again. I've written about this before, but this is a different perspective about young love. I absolutely love the passion that young people in love have. As you get older, get jobs, get married, have kids, you know all that "grown up stuff". Your passion for each other tends to disappear. Your everyday life sets in. And everything is pretty much normal and expected. If you have kids, you know nothing is normal and expected with them. I could write a thick book on just the antics and everyday life with my kids and the teens I work with. But that's a whole other story.
We get in a routine with work, meals, sleep, etc. And you simply become comfortable with your spouse. And that fire that got you all excited when you got to see your spouse in the first year pretty much fell asleep. When you both get home, get supper done, get the house cleaned, etc. and finally get to breathe. It's kind of like "oh hey, how did your day go?" And that's the bulk of the conversation.
Young people in love are so giddy with happiness that they're whole world is wanting to be with that person they're so in love with, so passionately in love with. They cant wait to see them each day. The first thought of the day is when do I get to see him/her? What are we going to be doing, what are we going to do this weekend?
They write love songs about each other, they write poems to each other. When you speak of that person, their eyes light up and they become even happier. When they introduce each other to other people, they can't stop hugging them, they cant stop smiling. They'll go shopping for hours just to make their girlfriends happy. The girls will sit through hours of watching him fix his vehicle, just so they can be together. Some will even defy their parents in order to be together.
I recently received a CD of a young lady in my class that will be married this year. I've prayed alot for this young lady and the young man she'll marry. And I truly feel God put them together and His hands will be on them throughout their marriage. The CD has songs on it that she wrote, sings and plays guitar. She's always been an incredible singer and musician, but on this CD you can hear the passion she has for her true love, you can hear how much her heart fills with joy when he walks in a room. It's a passion I wish all married people that have been married for a while could share and have again.
In some ways I'm jealous of this passionate young love, because they're still new, they're still learning about each other and they get excited to see each other. But then in other ways, I'm happy and madly in love with my husband. He's steady as a rock, he's hard working and he's compassionate. And yes, I am very comfortable with my husband...but in a good way. He's my best friend, he's my soul mate and God put him in my life for a reason. And I cherish the quiet times, I cherish the hurried times and I cherish the expected moments with him. But I do plan on bringing more "young love" back into our everyday lives.
If you're now in your "comfort zone" in your marriage. Think back to the "young love" time and how that felt. Bring back those wonderful times, be excited to see him/her when they come home from work or when you had a bad day. Let him/her be that "perk" that gets you back on track and happy to share your "everyday" life with your true love.
My cousin and I were talking today and we decided (again) that we're glad we're not teenagers again. I've written about this before, but this is a different perspective about young love. I absolutely love the passion that young people in love have. As you get older, get jobs, get married, have kids, you know all that "grown up stuff". Your passion for each other tends to disappear. Your everyday life sets in. And everything is pretty much normal and expected. If you have kids, you know nothing is normal and expected with them. I could write a thick book on just the antics and everyday life with my kids and the teens I work with. But that's a whole other story.
We get in a routine with work, meals, sleep, etc. And you simply become comfortable with your spouse. And that fire that got you all excited when you got to see your spouse in the first year pretty much fell asleep. When you both get home, get supper done, get the house cleaned, etc. and finally get to breathe. It's kind of like "oh hey, how did your day go?" And that's the bulk of the conversation.
Young people in love are so giddy with happiness that they're whole world is wanting to be with that person they're so in love with, so passionately in love with. They cant wait to see them each day. The first thought of the day is when do I get to see him/her? What are we going to be doing, what are we going to do this weekend?
They write love songs about each other, they write poems to each other. When you speak of that person, their eyes light up and they become even happier. When they introduce each other to other people, they can't stop hugging them, they cant stop smiling. They'll go shopping for hours just to make their girlfriends happy. The girls will sit through hours of watching him fix his vehicle, just so they can be together. Some will even defy their parents in order to be together.
I recently received a CD of a young lady in my class that will be married this year. I've prayed alot for this young lady and the young man she'll marry. And I truly feel God put them together and His hands will be on them throughout their marriage. The CD has songs on it that she wrote, sings and plays guitar. She's always been an incredible singer and musician, but on this CD you can hear the passion she has for her true love, you can hear how much her heart fills with joy when he walks in a room. It's a passion I wish all married people that have been married for a while could share and have again.
In some ways I'm jealous of this passionate young love, because they're still new, they're still learning about each other and they get excited to see each other. But then in other ways, I'm happy and madly in love with my husband. He's steady as a rock, he's hard working and he's compassionate. And yes, I am very comfortable with my husband...but in a good way. He's my best friend, he's my soul mate and God put him in my life for a reason. And I cherish the quiet times, I cherish the hurried times and I cherish the expected moments with him. But I do plan on bringing more "young love" back into our everyday lives.
If you're now in your "comfort zone" in your marriage. Think back to the "young love" time and how that felt. Bring back those wonderful times, be excited to see him/her when they come home from work or when you had a bad day. Let him/her be that "perk" that gets you back on track and happy to share your "everyday" life with your true love.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Gods Beauty
I must say, as much as I hate snow....this is absolutely breathtaking. God really has created an absolute beautiful earth. ((dont look at the time stamp, this camera...ummm set's it's own, lol))

God's Beauty,
Local Photography,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Hope Seminar for Women Update
*Sorry this is kind of long, but please read it*
The Hope Seminar for Women was wonderful. Those who didn't or couldn't attend sure missed a blessing. Danielle is an incredible speaker and her testimony....had the whole room in tears. (Ladies, lol, go figure).
On a personal note, I had been sick with the stomach flu Thursday and Friday. I almost didn't go because I was pretty sick. But God kept pushing, so I took some medicine and made it through Friday and Saturday. Plus my husband really encouraged me to go (you'll read why in a little bit). I've been to ladies retreats/seminar's/conferences and they are all wonderful and they get right to the point. But even Danielle's testimony, although it were her own. Felt like she saw right into my heart and all the ladies there.
So back to why my husband was "encouraging" me to go. I have to laugh when I say that because my husband is a very easy going, tolerant person and he's calm about everything. Like Danielle's husband, my husband is steady at all times. I'd like for him to get excited at least once a week. LOL. But the past 2 weeks, I've been in my "selfish" mode. You know that mode, it's about ME, you're driving ME crazy, you're making ME mad, you're upsetting ME, you're wasting MY time. You get the point. And I felt like my kids and the rest of the family were intentionally getting on my nerves, intentionally ticking me off. But I got to the point...I just didn't care. I really felt like I was in a "rut". I felt like God had forgotten about "poor little me." And I wasn't trusting God enough to know that He is there, He never left and He still has me in the palm of His hands. It reminded me of that commercial where the man goes around with this huge red umbrella helping people and carrying them to where they need to go. Well that's what I envision God doing.
So I'm in the rut and you know... me, me, me and I realized that hey...maybe I am getting on every one's nerves, maybe I'M upsetting everyone...with my crappy attitude. (I know Mom...you don't like that word), but it's true. But I felt like I was going through so much at once. My Mom's sick (I've been worried about her), my Dad is always away traveling for mission trips, my kids have been sick for about 2 weeks, I'm always too busy and I think my "panic" button hit emergency mode and well, there's my reasons for my husbands "encouragement" to go. Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to go, but I was just sick. Even though for the past few weeks I turned into a maniac, he just was there. Bless his sweet heart.
I always felt like I was the only one feeling like I was in a rut, like I was the only one that felt guilty for not "enjoying" my wifely and mommy duties at all times. You know like on Leave It To Beaver when the Mom was always so happy, cheerful, dressed in a beautiful dress with pearls and the kids came home with homemade cookies and milk waiting for them. Oh, please. But I did feel like that. I felt guilty, I felt like a horrible wife and mom. I felt that God forgot me and I was going to be in a "selfish rut" forever.
It was because I wasn't trusting God enough, I was drifting far from Him. Although I do my Bible studies, I pray, I praise Him, etc. But I don't feel like my heart was in it. I finally learned that I'm a "normal" (well as normal as I can get) wife and mom. And if I don't spend time with God. I wont be closer to Him. As Danielle said "the more time you spend with God, the more you'll learn to trust Him." I always felt I trusted God. But when I felt He forgot about me, I learned that I need to be closer to God. He's our rock, He's steadfast, He's our anchor, He's our shield when life throws rocks at us, He's our shoulder when we cry, He's our strength when we're weak and He never ever leaves us. Like the song goes "Our God is an Awesome God". Praise the Lord. But Danielle taught me, I always have to have hope. I always have to have faith. Without faith, I cant be closer to God. Without hope, I cant know that life will go on and you will get through the storms as long as you have God as your shield and anchor.
I thank Danielle for a wonderful lesson and I feel refreshed, hopeful and I know God is there for me. Thank you for touching my heart and showing me that my feelings were normal, my reaction to situations are normal, my panic button that goes off often...is normal. I know each lady there had something on their hearts and I'm sure Danielle touched each heart differently. I have faith in God, I have hope in Him and I know He is always there for me. I pray that God really touches your heart tonight and I pray that each of you know, He is there for you.
Get out of the "rut" and get back in touch with God.
The Hope Seminar for Women was wonderful. Those who didn't or couldn't attend sure missed a blessing. Danielle is an incredible speaker and her testimony....had the whole room in tears. (Ladies, lol, go figure).
On a personal note, I had been sick with the stomach flu Thursday and Friday. I almost didn't go because I was pretty sick. But God kept pushing, so I took some medicine and made it through Friday and Saturday. Plus my husband really encouraged me to go (you'll read why in a little bit). I've been to ladies retreats/seminar's/conferences and they are all wonderful and they get right to the point. But even Danielle's testimony, although it were her own. Felt like she saw right into my heart and all the ladies there.
So back to why my husband was "encouraging" me to go. I have to laugh when I say that because my husband is a very easy going, tolerant person and he's calm about everything. Like Danielle's husband, my husband is steady at all times. I'd like for him to get excited at least once a week. LOL. But the past 2 weeks, I've been in my "selfish" mode. You know that mode, it's about ME, you're driving ME crazy, you're making ME mad, you're upsetting ME, you're wasting MY time. You get the point. And I felt like my kids and the rest of the family were intentionally getting on my nerves, intentionally ticking me off. But I got to the point...I just didn't care. I really felt like I was in a "rut". I felt like God had forgotten about "poor little me." And I wasn't trusting God enough to know that He is there, He never left and He still has me in the palm of His hands. It reminded me of that commercial where the man goes around with this huge red umbrella helping people and carrying them to where they need to go. Well that's what I envision God doing.
So I'm in the rut and you know... me, me, me and I realized that hey...maybe I am getting on every one's nerves, maybe I'M upsetting everyone...with my crappy attitude. (I know Mom...you don't like that word), but it's true. But I felt like I was going through so much at once. My Mom's sick (I've been worried about her), my Dad is always away traveling for mission trips, my kids have been sick for about 2 weeks, I'm always too busy and I think my "panic" button hit emergency mode and well, there's my reasons for my husbands "encouragement" to go. Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to go, but I was just sick. Even though for the past few weeks I turned into a maniac, he just was there. Bless his sweet heart.
I always felt like I was the only one feeling like I was in a rut, like I was the only one that felt guilty for not "enjoying" my wifely and mommy duties at all times. You know like on Leave It To Beaver when the Mom was always so happy, cheerful, dressed in a beautiful dress with pearls and the kids came home with homemade cookies and milk waiting for them. Oh, please. But I did feel like that. I felt guilty, I felt like a horrible wife and mom. I felt that God forgot me and I was going to be in a "selfish rut" forever.
It was because I wasn't trusting God enough, I was drifting far from Him. Although I do my Bible studies, I pray, I praise Him, etc. But I don't feel like my heart was in it. I finally learned that I'm a "normal" (well as normal as I can get) wife and mom. And if I don't spend time with God. I wont be closer to Him. As Danielle said "the more time you spend with God, the more you'll learn to trust Him." I always felt I trusted God. But when I felt He forgot about me, I learned that I need to be closer to God. He's our rock, He's steadfast, He's our anchor, He's our shield when life throws rocks at us, He's our shoulder when we cry, He's our strength when we're weak and He never ever leaves us. Like the song goes "Our God is an Awesome God". Praise the Lord. But Danielle taught me, I always have to have hope. I always have to have faith. Without faith, I cant be closer to God. Without hope, I cant know that life will go on and you will get through the storms as long as you have God as your shield and anchor.
I thank Danielle for a wonderful lesson and I feel refreshed, hopeful and I know God is there for me. Thank you for touching my heart and showing me that my feelings were normal, my reaction to situations are normal, my panic button that goes off often...is normal. I know each lady there had something on their hearts and I'm sure Danielle touched each heart differently. I have faith in God, I have hope in Him and I know He is always there for me. I pray that God really touches your heart tonight and I pray that each of you know, He is there for you.
Get out of the "rut" and get back in touch with God.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Evan Dyson
Okay, another site I love. I posted this before but he has more. Evan's one of my favorite Photographers and Photo Journalist. Go visit his site's and show your support. He's young, but very talented!
Monday, January 26, 2009
It's A Southern Thing...
It's a Southern thing... you know, Snow Cream. Oh yes, I love Snow Cream. And after talking to a lot of Northern friends and family, I've come to believe that it's a Southern thing. Most didn't know what I was talking about. And if there are any Northerners who make it...I probably told ya'll how to make it. I guess, since we don't get much snow down here. When we did get it, we had to find something creative and delicious to do with it.
Snow Cream has a delicious taste, it's fun making it with your kids and you'll make lots of memories. I love making it with my kids, nieces and nephews. Just as my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles did with us. And I remember every single time we were sent out to get snow, they would (and still do) say "don't get the yellow snow". Like my kids, we've always had pets growing up, so we knew what they were talking about. And it just wouldn't be just perfect if it didn't have a little bit of dirt mixed in. After all as my Mom and Mother-In-Law say "dirt helps kids grow". Yeah, you read that right. That's what we get for living out in the country. Dirty kids, muddy carpets and all the time dirty floors. But we have to have a little in our Snow Cream. And my kids definitely make sure that happens.
So if by some chance Rockingham County and Harrisonburg, we get this "white death" as my Ohio cousin calls it....make some Southern Snow Cream. If you need the recipe, let me know.
Enjoy the weather as unpredictable as it may be and drive carefully!
Snow Cream has a delicious taste, it's fun making it with your kids and you'll make lots of memories. I love making it with my kids, nieces and nephews. Just as my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles did with us. And I remember every single time we were sent out to get snow, they would (and still do) say "don't get the yellow snow". Like my kids, we've always had pets growing up, so we knew what they were talking about. And it just wouldn't be just perfect if it didn't have a little bit of dirt mixed in. After all as my Mom and Mother-In-Law say "dirt helps kids grow". Yeah, you read that right. That's what we get for living out in the country. Dirty kids, muddy carpets and all the time dirty floors. But we have to have a little in our Snow Cream. And my kids definitely make sure that happens.
So if by some chance Rockingham County and Harrisonburg, we get this "white death" as my Ohio cousin calls it....make some Southern Snow Cream. If you need the recipe, let me know.
Enjoy the weather as unpredictable as it may be and drive carefully!
Monday, January 19, 2009
25 Random Facts
Taking the lead from a friends blog. http://ourcircle.wordpress.com/2009/01/11/25-random-facts/
I thought I'd list at least 25 random facts about myself. I hope I can get 25. You can add yours too or add them to your own blog and post your blog address here.
1. I love to know everyone's family history. Especially mine.
2. The only color vehicle I'll ever own is white.
3. I'm deathly allergic to spiders.
4. I wanted 5 kids, but I think it's God's will to bless me with 2.
5. I wanted to be an Architect all my life, but God had other plans.
6. I sometimes have a very bad temper
7. Everything around me has to be organized or I freak out.
8. I love the Lord with all my heart and desire to be closer to Him more each day
9. My husband, my Mom and my Sister-In-Law (brother's wife) are my best friends.
10. I'm allergic to household and vehicle paint
11. All labels in my house have to face front where they can easily be read
12. I'm determined to live or at least have a beach house on the Gulf Coast of Alabama some day
13. I belong at the beach at all times.
14. I desire to be at church more often
15. I'm scared of heights
16. I'm absolutely terrified of fire
17. I'm an all around Southern girl by God's Grace
18. God always comes first in my life.
19. I absolutely love teaching the teens at our church
20. I have a weak and wimpy tummy...blood, etc. yuck
21. My kids friends think I'm a cool Mom. My kids don't. LOL
22. I have a big family that I love so much!
23. I have alot of "odd" dreams and some come true. Scary and weird.
24. I have a hard time keeping in touch with family and friends.
25. I'm too busy all the time.
Okay, come on share....this was easier than I thought. LOL.
I thought I'd list at least 25 random facts about myself. I hope I can get 25. You can add yours too or add them to your own blog and post your blog address here.
1. I love to know everyone's family history. Especially mine.
2. The only color vehicle I'll ever own is white.
3. I'm deathly allergic to spiders.
4. I wanted 5 kids, but I think it's God's will to bless me with 2.
5. I wanted to be an Architect all my life, but God had other plans.
6. I sometimes have a very bad temper
7. Everything around me has to be organized or I freak out.
8. I love the Lord with all my heart and desire to be closer to Him more each day
9. My husband, my Mom and my Sister-In-Law (brother's wife) are my best friends.
10. I'm allergic to household and vehicle paint
11. All labels in my house have to face front where they can easily be read
12. I'm determined to live or at least have a beach house on the Gulf Coast of Alabama some day
13. I belong at the beach at all times.
14. I desire to be at church more often
15. I'm scared of heights
16. I'm absolutely terrified of fire
17. I'm an all around Southern girl by God's Grace
18. God always comes first in my life.
19. I absolutely love teaching the teens at our church
20. I have a weak and wimpy tummy...blood, etc. yuck
21. My kids friends think I'm a cool Mom. My kids don't. LOL
22. I have a big family that I love so much!
23. I have alot of "odd" dreams and some come true. Scary and weird.
24. I have a hard time keeping in touch with family and friends.
25. I'm too busy all the time.
Okay, come on share....this was easier than I thought. LOL.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Sally!
~Happy Birthday to my dear friend Sally!~
You can visit her blog and wish her a Happy Birthday at
You can visit her blog and wish her a Happy Birthday at
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hope Seminar for Women
Fellowship Baptist Church and Freedom Baptist Church, both of Harrisonburg, Virginia are sponsoring a Hope Seminar for Women. January 30th- January 31st, 2009 at the West Side Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? A friendship? A divorce? Or some other painful experience that has left you feeling despair? Let God write His promises on your heart through this Hope Seminar. Pastor's wife and women's ministries leader Danielle Gahman will reveal God's Promises through His Word that can restore our Hope.
Friday, January 30th, 2009:
7-9 p.m. Worship and Study led by Danielle Gahman
Saturday, January 31st, 2009:
8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
9 a.m. Worship and testimony by Lisa Smith
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Study led by Danielle Gahman
All women are invited to attend. Please RSVP: 540-442-9400, leave a message. You can also contact Pastor Mike Mehling at this number for more information.
This is a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with other ladies, share and learn the Word of God.
I do hope you'll join us. There is no cost, but an RSVP is much appreciated!
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? A friendship? A divorce? Or some other painful experience that has left you feeling despair? Let God write His promises on your heart through this Hope Seminar. Pastor's wife and women's ministries leader Danielle Gahman will reveal God's Promises through His Word that can restore our Hope.
Friday, January 30th, 2009:
7-9 p.m. Worship and Study led by Danielle Gahman
Saturday, January 31st, 2009:
8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
9 a.m. Worship and testimony by Lisa Smith
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Study led by Danielle Gahman
All women are invited to attend. Please RSVP: 540-442-9400, leave a message. You can also contact Pastor Mike Mehling at this number for more information.
This is a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with other ladies, share and learn the Word of God.
I do hope you'll join us. There is no cost, but an RSVP is much appreciated!
Another Chance
Today my Pastor had another wonderful message. We were in Luke 15, the story about the prodigal son. I've always loved this story because no matter how far down in the bottom of the pit we get and let ourselves get. God always says "come back to me, I'm here and I'm waiting." Isn't that awesome? I don't recommend getting that far gone, but in reality it happens. There's times in your life that you sometimes just give up. You're tired of the problems, tired of the pain, tired of everything and you basically stop caring about what happens next. Sometimes it's stuff that you don't have control of and sometimes it's things you do have control of.
In Luke 15, the prodigal son brought this on himself. He went through a process of basically messing up his life. He got selfish, he chose the wrong people to hang around with and it was a down spiral from there. Gosh, that sounds true today, doesn't it? In today's world, a lot of people are all about me, me, me. And I'll be honest, I get like that too. Than God puts a road block in front of me to remind me that it's NOT all about me. And He's had to do that to me more than once. And I'm sure it's the same with you too. I'm not saying we're bad people because we do get like this. But remember we are sinners by nature.
Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom and either choose to stay there or get up. God always allows His children to return to Him. You just have to be willing, you have to take that step and make that commitment. Like my Pastor said "Confession and repentance are necessary to put you back on the right path."
God is always there with open arms. Not to say "omgosh, I cant believe you did that or what on earth were you thinking when you did that? " His mercy and compassion allows us to come back to Him! Praise the Lord always, in everything and all situations!
In Luke 15, the prodigal son brought this on himself. He went through a process of basically messing up his life. He got selfish, he chose the wrong people to hang around with and it was a down spiral from there. Gosh, that sounds true today, doesn't it? In today's world, a lot of people are all about me, me, me. And I'll be honest, I get like that too. Than God puts a road block in front of me to remind me that it's NOT all about me. And He's had to do that to me more than once. And I'm sure it's the same with you too. I'm not saying we're bad people because we do get like this. But remember we are sinners by nature.
Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom and either choose to stay there or get up. God always allows His children to return to Him. You just have to be willing, you have to take that step and make that commitment. Like my Pastor said "Confession and repentance are necessary to put you back on the right path."
God is always there with open arms. Not to say "omgosh, I cant believe you did that or what on earth were you thinking when you did that? " His mercy and compassion allows us to come back to Him! Praise the Lord always, in everything and all situations!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Check This Blog Out....
Every once in a while, ya'll know I like to share a new site or a favorite site. So here's a site I discovered today.
Go check it out....
Go check it out....
Favorite blogs and sites
Ever Wonder?
Do you ever wonder about people you see out in public? I'm one of those people that loves to know everything and learn everything. And if I don't know...I'll find out. Some call it nosey, I call it my job. LOL.
When I go to Wal Mart and I'm standing in the never ending lines, if my kids aren't with me. I either play on my cell phone (check the news, email,etc.) or I just watch people. Sometimes people blend in with everyone else and than there are the people that really stand out. Either because of an outfit, a hair do, the way they carry themselves or how they interact with other people. I like to observe people and try to figure out what their story is.
A few days before Christmas I was there with my daughter. And she was being good, but like me was getting tired and hungry. We saw this beautiful well dressed lady and she just stood in line like us, patiently waiting our turns. But this woman had 3 screaming tired little boys with her. I'd say between the ages of 2 thru 7 years old. My thoughts were; are her kids always like this, so she's learned to tune them out, what kind of home life do they have, is she a happy person or just sliding by in life?
Another time, I saw this elderly lady. I'd say maybe in her late 80's shopping with no one. And I wondered if she had any family, if she spent most of her time alone and she was happy. I know just because you're at Wal Mart or elsewhere alone, doesn't mean you're a lonely person. But it's just one of many things I wonder. I also wondered if she was born and raised here. And what types of historical events had she witnessed or been a part of.
There's also this lady that I see walking down Route 42, south bound close to the Route 33 Intersection. She's not dressed well and I think she might be homeless. I feel bad for her, because her face and the way she carries herself...she just seems so lonely. I don't know if she's homeless, I don't know if she's the happiest person in the world, but she seems lonely. I wonder if she has a family, a home, a job, anything to eat. But now a days you cant just walk up to some one and start asking questions. Sadly, you also cant just walk up and offer to help out.
Every person I see, I wonder about them. I'm sure they do the same with me, especially when I'm grouchy rushing through a store(s) like a maniac. That's usually when I try not to speak to anyone, because it's better to zip my mouth than to be grouchy with others who have no clue why I'm having a bad day.
One thing I usually do is say a silent prayer for the people I'm curious about. Because I don't know their story. They might have the best life and still be unhappy and they might have a horrible life and stay close to God knowing things will get better. I would love to know everyones stories. But reality tells me that's impossible. I guess in my own mind and in my prayers for them, I can write my own story.
When I go to Wal Mart and I'm standing in the never ending lines, if my kids aren't with me. I either play on my cell phone (check the news, email,etc.) or I just watch people. Sometimes people blend in with everyone else and than there are the people that really stand out. Either because of an outfit, a hair do, the way they carry themselves or how they interact with other people. I like to observe people and try to figure out what their story is.
A few days before Christmas I was there with my daughter. And she was being good, but like me was getting tired and hungry. We saw this beautiful well dressed lady and she just stood in line like us, patiently waiting our turns. But this woman had 3 screaming tired little boys with her. I'd say between the ages of 2 thru 7 years old. My thoughts were; are her kids always like this, so she's learned to tune them out, what kind of home life do they have, is she a happy person or just sliding by in life?
Another time, I saw this elderly lady. I'd say maybe in her late 80's shopping with no one. And I wondered if she had any family, if she spent most of her time alone and she was happy. I know just because you're at Wal Mart or elsewhere alone, doesn't mean you're a lonely person. But it's just one of many things I wonder. I also wondered if she was born and raised here. And what types of historical events had she witnessed or been a part of.
There's also this lady that I see walking down Route 42, south bound close to the Route 33 Intersection. She's not dressed well and I think she might be homeless. I feel bad for her, because her face and the way she carries herself...she just seems so lonely. I don't know if she's homeless, I don't know if she's the happiest person in the world, but she seems lonely. I wonder if she has a family, a home, a job, anything to eat. But now a days you cant just walk up to some one and start asking questions. Sadly, you also cant just walk up and offer to help out.
Every person I see, I wonder about them. I'm sure they do the same with me, especially when I'm grouchy rushing through a store(s) like a maniac. That's usually when I try not to speak to anyone, because it's better to zip my mouth than to be grouchy with others who have no clue why I'm having a bad day.
One thing I usually do is say a silent prayer for the people I'm curious about. Because I don't know their story. They might have the best life and still be unhappy and they might have a horrible life and stay close to God knowing things will get better. I would love to know everyones stories. But reality tells me that's impossible. I guess in my own mind and in my prayers for them, I can write my own story.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Things I've Learned
2008 is now done, gone and over with. And I cant really say 2008 was a good year for me....because it wasn't. But like my Pastor said "Don't live in the past. And we cant flip our calenders back. " Of course he had more to that and today's sermon was very good as always, but some sermon's tug on your own heart strings more than other sermons. This one tugged on all my heart strings.
So here's just a few things I learned in 2008 and the first week of January 2009. I learned alot more than this, but I learn things everyday, so I don't want to bore ya'll too much.
I learned that I want to get to know God better, more personally and have a stronger relationship with Him.
I learned that I CAN and know how to say NO. I actually just learned that a few days ago.
I learned when I say "no", I will most likely tick some people off.
I learned that my kids will always try my patience, even when they grow up, get married, etc.
I learned that praying and encouraging adults/teens/kids to come to church always works out in God's time.
I learned that Face Book is an awesome way to find old friends and make new ones.
I learned that Virginia, well at least Rockingham County in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley...doesn't have very
exciting weather thanks to our awesome and beautiful mountains.
I learned I need more excitement in my life, including the weather. LOL.
I learned that I continue to think the computer was the greatest invention of all time.
I learned that it's okay to let the 'younger' generations teach us older folks how to do stuff.
I learned that when I'm telling my kids, nieces and nephews stories and they roll their eyes...it doesn't mean they don't want to hear the stories. They're rolling their eyes because they actually have to stop and listen to us. LOL
I learned that when we reach out and help, pray or just listen to friends, family or strangers it helps us deal with issues in our lives that we're having.
I had more, but I can't think of them right now. Maybe these things aren't exciting to ya'll, but each one of them means something to me. You can share what you learned in 2008 if you like. Enjoy 2009, God has big plans for all of us.
So here's just a few things I learned in 2008 and the first week of January 2009. I learned alot more than this, but I learn things everyday, so I don't want to bore ya'll too much.
I learned that I want to get to know God better, more personally and have a stronger relationship with Him.
I learned that I CAN and know how to say NO. I actually just learned that a few days ago.
I learned when I say "no", I will most likely tick some people off.
I learned that my kids will always try my patience, even when they grow up, get married, etc.
I learned that praying and encouraging adults/teens/kids to come to church always works out in God's time.
I learned that Face Book is an awesome way to find old friends and make new ones.
I learned that Virginia, well at least Rockingham County in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley...doesn't have very
exciting weather thanks to our awesome and beautiful mountains.
I learned I need more excitement in my life, including the weather. LOL.
I learned that I continue to think the computer was the greatest invention of all time.
I learned that it's okay to let the 'younger' generations teach us older folks how to do stuff.
I learned that when I'm telling my kids, nieces and nephews stories and they roll their eyes...it doesn't mean they don't want to hear the stories. They're rolling their eyes because they actually have to stop and listen to us. LOL
I learned that when we reach out and help, pray or just listen to friends, family or strangers it helps us deal with issues in our lives that we're having.
I had more, but I can't think of them right now. Maybe these things aren't exciting to ya'll, but each one of them means something to me. You can share what you learned in 2008 if you like. Enjoy 2009, God has big plans for all of us.
About me,
Things I've Learned
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